Acne Mastery

Tips To Get - And Keep - Your Acne Under Control

Saturday, December 15, 2007

New Acne Rosacea Breakthrough

Many of us don’t realize that one of the most common yet often over diagnosed facial rashes is rosacea, a chronic, relapsing and potentially life-disruptive disorder of the facial skin that affects an estimated 14 million Americans.

However, a new treatment available for rosacea is seabuckthom oil, which can reduce the inflammation under the skin providing relief of the mechanisms that cause the rosacea complex of symptoms.

For more information on the rosacea breakthrough, visit


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Pop That is Back with New Features and a New Look

After 1 year on the net pop that has revamped its image. A new layout and some new features bring this site up a few notches in the web-world belt. Contests, forums, acne blogs, and getting paid to pop your own zits. Zit popping at its finest. boldly goes where no zit has gone before. With the birth of Pop That Zit over 1 year ago they have grown into an site that knows no bounds when it comes to zit popping action. The all new Acne Forum is a great place for members to share stories about monster zits and to even talk about products to help fight acne. Cultivate a zit? Yes there is even a thread that explains in detail about how to create a mega pus yielding zit! yack!!
Another feature added to Pop That Zits arsenal is a new Acne Blog.

Get paid to pop zits? Yes you heard it right. Getting paid to pop zits has been in place on PTZ for awhile now. They have upped the ante and are now offering $2 for original zit pictures and $10 for original zit videos. Another installment of Pop That Zits new features are monthly prize giveaways.

For more information, visit
