Acne Mastery

Tips To Get - And Keep - Your Acne Under Control

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Almost everybody experiences acne at one point in their life. And almost everybody perpetuates a myth about acne that is incorrect. The biggest myth that has been passed down generation by generation is that acne is caused by eating junk food, more specifically chocolate.

If you have heard this one and have believed this myth then you need to keep reading as we debunk these stubborn myths and give you tips on how to effectively ward off acne and acne breakouts.

Myth: Junk food causes acne breakouts. False - food does not cause your skin to breakout in pimples and zits.

Tip: When showering, wash and shampoo your hair first and then begin to clean your face and body. The hot water opens up your pores and the shampoo and conditioner will leave a residue on your skin that may promote the breakout of acne on both your face and on your back if not properly rinsed away.

Tip: For Guys: After shaving make sure your rinse your face with cold water to help close the pores and to help reduce the inflammation/irritation from shaving.

Tip: No matter how hired you are, do not go to bed without washing off your makeup. Leaving make-up on over night will contribute to clogging your skins pores with unwanted oils and chemicals.

Tip: Most acne that occurs on the lower face and neck area is a direct result of bacteria. Our hands are filthy, and covered in germs and bacteria.

Most people are unaware of how many time they rest their chin in their hands, or prop themselves up with their hands throughout the day. If you can make a conscious effort to reduce the amount of time you spend placing your hands on your face you will definitely see less breakouts and blemishes in those areas.

Myth: Acne is only common to teens. False - Acne affects men, women, and teens of all ages, from all walks of life.

Tip: To prevent acne during the summer heat, we suggest you wear little or no make-up, and that you wash your face in cool water with a very mild soap as your skin will be more sensitive.

We are recommend that you use a very mild conditioner to keep your skin from drying out and peeling which often happens in the summer.

Tip: We recommend that you wear loose clothing that does not rub or irritate the skin. For times when you are playing sports or just being more physical we suggest wearing specially designed clothing that wicks the moisture away from your body keeping you cool and dry. And shower right after any physical activity so that your body has little time to absorb the oils and perspiration

For more information, visit


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

In the 'Tween of Things

While acne or dry, flaky skin may not seem like anything that should worry a 10-year old, these skin conditions are quickly becoming the domain of young children. Because young teenagers are still facing some of their most formative growing years, approaching skincare for this age group must be thoughtful and carefully selected. Before skin problems such as acne or dryness have a chance to impact on a young child's skin, take control of them with smart, caring skincare geared towards young skin.

For more information, visit
