Acne Mastery

Tips To Get - And Keep - Your Acne Under Control

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Stress Makes Teen Acne Worse

The largest study ever conducted on acne and stress levels confirms what many have suspected for years: Stress can make acne worse among teenagers.

Researchers found teenagers who were under high levels of stress were 23% more likely to have increased acne severity.

Stress has long been thought to aggravate acne, but researchers say this is the first large-scale study to confirm the relationship and look at possible explanations.

For more information, visit


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Though the cause of acne is largely unknown, stress and diet - infamous greasy foods and sneaky sugary sweets – have been implicated in wrecking blemi

Though the cause of acne is largely unknown, stress and diet - infamous greasy foods and sneaky sugary sweets – have been implicated in wrecking blemish havoc on our clear skin. Though research has yet to confirm these theories, many proponents of yoga and alternative skin treatments recommend a change in diet and a reduction in stress for beautiful glowing skin.

Others have also suggested tea tree oil and homeopathic remedies.

The skin is essentially a window into your internal health. It’s the largest organ of the body and reflects what is happening internally. So, whatever you put into your body is definitely going to show. Processed foods are one such example: Unclear skin – plagued by pimples, rashes, or a dull look – can occur from eating processed foods, which overburden the liver. As a result, the liver, intestines, and kidneys need the skin’s help in elimination and hence the condition of your not-so-clear face. Consequently, it’s crucial to cut out processed foods!

Some remedies for treating acne are Belladonna, Calendula, Hepar sulphur, Kali bromatum, and silicea. Little research exists on the effectiveness of these alternative treatments, though some swear by them. All and all, there are many theories and natural treatments out there, just make sure to distinguish the good from the quacks.

For more information, visit
