Acne Mastery

Tips To Get - And Keep - Your Acne Under Control

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Info to know before you shop for Acne Medication

Before You Buy Zit Cream/Acne Medication:
"you can successfully control most break outs and flare ups with over-the-counter acne products and we've assembled a list of the most teen friendly products on the market. Whether you prefer medicated products or natural therapies, we can help you find the ones that work and avoid the ones that don't.

Before you buy any acne treatment product you should take the following into consideration:

1. Know your skin type. People with oily skin should choose a gel based product, those with dry skin should choose a cream. If you are like most people and have combination skin, choose the product that best works with the afflicted area. If your acne flares up in the oily spots, choose a gel, if it is the dry skin that gets the zits, choose a cream.

2. The more sensitive your skin, the lower concentration of active ingredient you will need. Choosing a product that is too strong could actually make the situation worse by over drying the area and causing the skin to react by increasing oil production. This can end up causing more acne. If you have sensitive skin, stick with the milder formulations.

3. Some mild creams can be used as a preventative measure, but most acne creams are too harsh to be used before you see or feel a zit. Read the lables carefully and only apply the medication to places that are acne prone or actually have acne present.

4. If the acne is excessively painful, or if it becomes painful after trying an OTC product, try taking an anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen and get to a doctor ASAP.

5. If your skin has large pustules that appear in clusters, if they are painful, if your acne causes scars, or if you can't seem to get rid of a blemish (it starts to go away only to reappear just when you thought it was gone), your acne may require treatment by a doctor."


Solid advice and lots more on that website.