Acne Mastery

Tips To Get - And Keep - Your Acne Under Control

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Acne Scars - It's not your fault!

Acne Scars - Laser skin resurfacing is a huge advance in cosmetic surgery!: "More than 12 million Americans suffer from varying degrees of acne scars. Even a mild case of adolescent acne can leave permanent scars throughout adulthood. In addition to physical trauma, for many, acne scars can also have adverse psychological effects.

Physicians say that the scarring itself represents only a small part of the actual damage. To gauge the psychological effect of acne scarring, makers of injectable collagen, gathered a focus group of men and women to discuss their feelings before and after acne scar treatments.

This study found that people with acne scars tend to be very introverted, often holding their heads down, covering their faces with their hair, and generally avoiding eye contact. Many of them carry a great deal of guilt - as if the scarring were their fault."


Wow, I didn't know scarring was that widespread. Makes me want to keep up that prevention program all the more.