Acne Mastery

Tips To Get - And Keep - Your Acne Under Control

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Acne OTC Treatments As Effective As Drugs!

Acne Info Center: Many Acne Treatments Found Effective: "Many Acne Treatments Found Effective
Over-the-counter products for mild-to-moderate facial acne are just as effective as prescription antibiotics, and they can cost much less, according to a study reported in the medical journal The Lancet.
The big difference between the products is price, with over-the-counter preparations containing benzoyl peroxide sometimes costing one-tenth the price of some prescription antibiotics.
Benzoyl peroxide is found in dozens of over-the-counter acne treatments, the researchers say."


Yeah, baby. Big pharma takes another hit. Of course, if you like side effects, drugs are the way to go.

Ever notice how many drug ads there are these days on TV? Where do you suppose all that money comes from for the huge ad budgets?