Acne Mastery

Tips To Get - And Keep - Your Acne Under Control

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Just say no to drugs for acne

MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Teenagers and acne medicine: "Only severe cases of acne should be treated with drugs such as Accutane. People taking Accutane and similar drugs need to be closely monitored. There are serious potential side effects, such as headaches, joint pains, muscle pains. In particular, birth defects are possible in the infants of pregnant teenagers taking the medication.

Antibiotics such as erythromycin and tetracycline are not as risky, but may produce side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, or vaginal yeast infections"


Heavy duty pharmaceuticals should not be your first response to an acne breakout. There are many gentler, safer alternatives worth exploring first. Save the big guns for later, and hopefully you will not need to go to the "later option."