Acne Mastery

Tips To Get - And Keep - Your Acne Under Control

Saturday, September 08, 2007

10-Step Acne Treatment Program

Donna Tozzi, B.S.N., R.N., the founder of the Tozzi Institute, has launched a new section on her website for Acne Treatment - The 10-Step Regimen to clear up aging skin. Unlike other skin care regiments, The PoreStar Top 10 plan begins from within. Whether a lawyer, doctor, fast food worker or Mom, the skin is under constant attack. Sunshine, dirt, smog and other pollutants are constantly on the move to dame your skin. Most other skin care programs cover these dangers quite well. The difference with the Tozzi Acne Regimen is this - IT BEGINS FROM WITHIN.

While other programs concentrate on the outside, Tozzi gives equal importance to what is going on inside. Stress, diet, perspiration and emotional state can all have an effect on your skin condition. That is where the Tozzi Acne Regimen begins the battle.

Steps 1-3 - Visualize, Detoxify and Proper Nutrition - The first three steps of the PoreStar Top 10 involve steps you can take before you receive the Tozzi Skin Care Regimen. "Visualize" wearing revealing clothes without embarrassing acne. "Visualize" a "fearless" trip to the beach in the skimpiest of bikinis. Build your confidence. Steps 2 and 3 involve more visible lifestyle changes -Start the day with a healthy breakfast drink from Tozzi's line of nutritional supplements. "Detoxify" your body and release all the harmful toxins built up from a lifetime of saturated fat and processed sugar. Then begin the third step, "Practicing Proper Nutrition." Did you know that by improving ones nutrition one can eat less food? This produces less harmful chemicals for your body to expel thereby creating acne.

Steps 4-5 - Manage Stress and Exercise - Managing stress and adhering to a regular exercise regiment is easier to say than to do. After just a few weeks of following a schedule, one will be surprised how much better one feels and look. Stress causes your pores to overload with waste, thus increasing the chance for unsightly breakouts. Proper exercise increases the blood flow and aids in the removal of impurities in your body that can lead to bad skin.

Step 6-9 - Cleanse Skin, Wash the Face- Make it a habit to cleanse the face every morning with PoreStar 10 % Facial Wash with Aloe Vera. Cleaning the face regularly helps prevent oily residue, a breeding ground for pimples. If you plan to spend a good portion of the day enjoying Mother Nature and all she has to offer, consider using PoreStar' Dual-action Moisturizer with SPF 30. In addition to washing ones face when a person wakes every morning, clear away the day's grime before bed each night. PoreStar's Lucky Charms gly- sal ance pads allows the skin to breath. It removes the oily buildup and impurities denying acne a place to breed. And get your sleep. Adequate rest does wonders for reducing the stress.

There is nothing that makes a body feel younger and more vibrant than clearer skin. So why not choose the method that clears the skin from the inside out.

For more information, visit
